ISSN: 2308-0876
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E-learning systems have significantly advanced online education, offering novel possibilities in distance education, such as attending solely online educational programmes. On these grounds, the purpose of the present study has been to investigate students’ views on online courses and Moodle, taking into account easiness of use and communication possibilities both with professors and fellow students. To conduct the study, a qualitative approach was followed through the use of semi-structured interviews. The sample consisted of ten post-graduate students who attended the MEd. in Adult Education at Frederick university, Cyprus. The results demonstrated that most students have a positive view about distance online education, despite the fact that the opportunities offered for communication were rather limited. As far as Moodle is concerned, they are generally satisfied, considering it easy to use, and especially helpful in downloading educational materials. It was suggested among others that short-term training on ICT use should be provided to those students who wish to attend online post-graduate courses, so that lack of computer knowledge will not constitute a significant barrier.
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In-Text Citation: (Papaioannou & Panitsides, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Papaioannou, G., & Panitsides, E. A. (2020). An Evaluative Approach of E-Learning Using Moodle in a Distance Post-graduate Course: A Case Study. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 8(1), 52–65 (In Greek).
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