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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Tayyiban Diet Recommendation According to The Sunnah in Current Discourse

Mohd Akil Mohamed Ali, Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin, Mohammad Fahmi Abdul Hamid

Open access

Islam promotes the concept of halalan tayyiban in all human dealings. This study is important so that the young generation do not only know halal food, in the era of modernization with a wide variety of halal food sources. Along with the advancement of technology, health problems and chronic diseases due to poor and unbalanced diet that plague Malaysian society today are also increasing and worrying. Therefore, consuming food products that are not ?ayyib will cause bad implications. However, the Muslim community's interpretation of the ?ayyib diet remains uncertain. Although society is aware of the halal and haram linked to food, the problem is that the food and drinks that most people consume everyday are not as good (?ayyib) as they believe. This study explores the notion of ?ayyib food in diet using qualitative research methods such structured interviews, literature reviews, and document analysis. The study recommends prioritizing ?ayyib diet by prioritizing ?ayyib foods and avoiding non-?ayyib foods. The study suggested this can be achieved by marketing labels and ingredients in food and drinks, preparing homemade food, and implementing best practices for adults and children. Further food studies from an Islamic viewpoint can assist progress Islamic science and technology while adhering to the demands of the Quran and Sunnah has to be made for the betterment of ummah. Improving the Muslim community's awareness of ?ayyib diet can significantly benefit the health system, particularly among Malaysians.

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(Ali et al., 2024)
Ali, M. A. M., Ariffin, M. F. M., & Hamid, M. F. A. (2024). Tayyiban Diet Recommendation According to The Sunnah in Current Discourse. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(2), 1213–1227.