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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Validity of the Competency Instrument for Construction Technology Program Lecturers in the Practice of Outcome-based Education (OBE)

Hanzolah Che Sobry, Che Ghani Che Kob, Nor Roselidyawaty Mohd Rokeman

Open access

This research aims to evaluate the validity of the Competency Instrument for lecturers in the Construction Technology program in the context of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) at Malaysian Vocational Colleges. This evaluation measures the instrument's effectiveness in assessing the three elements of competence: knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Outcome-based education has been adopted by the Vocational College since the introduction of the diploma program in 2014. Seven experts reviewed each item of the instrument, and the Fleiss Kappa coefficient value was used to analyze the findings. The resulting Kappa values were k=0.83 for the knowledge construct, k=0.83 for the skills construct, and k=0.91 for the attitudes construct, with an overall Fleiss Kappa value of k=0.85, indicating that the instrument is at a good level. The study's findings suggest that the instrument is suitable for implementing a pilot study and can effectively measure the competence of lecturers in the Construction Technology program within the OBE framework. Furthermore, this instrument can serve as a useful reference for evaluating lecturer practices in other Higher Education Institutions.

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(Sobry et al., 2024)
Sobry, H. C., Kob, C. G. C., & Rokeman, N. R. M. (2024). The Validity of the Competency Instrument for Construction Technology Program Lecturers in the Practice of Outcome-based Education (OBE). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(2), 981–996.