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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Trends and Transformations of E-Retailing in Jordan Sales Market: Challenges, Growth, and Potential Future Developments

Bader Ismaeel, Hamza Ahmad Alali, Ehab Injadat, Ahed Saket Al-Haraizah, Abdullah Yusri Al Khatib

Open access

This study aimed to explore the trends and transformations of the e-retail market in Jordan, besides the aspects that have contributed to these changes. It also aimed to examine the behaviour and preferences of consumers about e-shopping. Additionally, it focused on the key players in the e-retail market in Jordan. The current study collected primary data by using a questionnaire where 207 e-shoppers and e-retailers were selected as a typical sample through convenience and obliging sampling techniques. The data was analyzed using SPSS and descriptive statistics were used to sum up the survey answers. The outcomes of the study advisable that e-retail trade had a positive impact on the business sector in Jordan, with its growth probable and trends. The study also set up those changes played a vital role in the growth of e-retail trade in Jordan, due to the rising use of the internet and inconstant consumer preferences. Surveyed companies concentrate on providing personalized shopping experiences, logistics services, and fulfilment services that effectively magnify customer satisfaction and loyalty. To increase online sales, practitioners in the e-retail industry in Jordan can leverage IT and create outreach strategies while investing in IT capabilities. However, the study findings are context-specific, and future research should consider examining the impact of e-retailing on competitive advantage across different industries and countries.

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(Ismaeel et al., 2024)
Ismaeel, B., Alali, H. A., Injadat, E., Al-Haraizah, A. S., & Khatib, A. Y. Al. (2024). Trends and Transformations of E-Retailing in Jordan Sales Market: Challenges, Growth, and Potential Future Developments. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(2), 1464–1480.