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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Literacy on The Fundamental Knowledge of Business Zakat among Muslim Entrepreneurs in Kedah

Mohd Firdaus Hanizam, Mohammadtahir Cheumar

Open access

Zakat is one of the foundations of Islam and must be performed by every Muslim who is subject to specific requirements. This study aims to examine literacy on the fundamental knowledge of business zakat among Muslims entrepreneur in Kedah. Based on three main objectives, this study focuses on several main issues, namely the knowledge of business zakat among Muslims entrepreneurs in Kedah, the contributors to the knowledge of business zakat among Muslims entrepreneurs in Kedah and the ways Muslims entrepreneurs in Kedah pay their business zakat. For the first objective, this research describes the knowledge of business zakat among Muslims entrepreneurs in Kedah. Secondly, this research also identifies the contributors to the knowledge of business zakat among Muslims entrepreneurs in Kedah. Third, this study identifies the ways Muslims entrepreneurs in Kedah pay their business zakat. Hence, to ensure that all the objectives that have been listed are answered gradually, the most relevant method that can be used in this study is qualitative research method. This research combines appropriate literature sources as well as interviews. At the end of this paper, the researcher found that the level of knowledge towards business zakat among Muslims entrepreneurs in Kedah. The elements that influence knowledge of business zakat from the perspectives of location, demography, education, and socio-cultural aspects have been identified. The researcher also identified the contributors to the knowledge of business zakat among Muslims entrepreneurs in Kedah. The most relevant factors contributing to the knowledge of business zakat among Muslim entrepreneurs in Kedah have also been determined. Apart from that, the researcher also identified the ways Muslims entrepreneurs in Kedah pay their business zakat in order to raise awareness of zakat payment in business. The researcher also suggested some improvements to Lembaga Zakat Negeri Kedah (LZNK) to overcome the problems occurred. In conclusion, LZNK should take several actions to ensure that the degree of understanding and awareness towards the knowledge of business zakat among Muslims entrepreneurs in Kedah can be enhanced.

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(Hanizam & Cheumar, 2024)
Hanizam, M. F., & Cheumar, M. (2024). Literacy on The Fundamental Knowledge of Business Zakat among Muslim Entrepreneurs in Kedah. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(2), 1135–1153.