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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Falls Characteristics of Malaysian Older Person in Klang Valley

Muhammad Iqbal Shaharudin, Muhammad Radhi Rahimi Abu Bakar, Mohamad Hafiz Abu Seman, Mohd Ikhmal Hanif Abdul Khalid, Nur Fatin Nabila Abd Rahman, Muhammad Yusuf Shaharudin

Open access

Falls are a significant health concern and a leading cause of injuries among older persons. Falls can result in debilitating medical conditions such as fractures, head injuries, and soft tissue injuries. Environmental factors and age-related physical changes play a significant role in contributing to falls among older persons. Understanding the characteristics and risk factors associated with falls in older persons is important for developing effective prevention strategies and promoting successful ageing. This research aims to learn more about the fall characteristics among Malaysian older persons in Klang Valley. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 91 community-dwelling older persons aged 60 years old and above. Written consent was collected from participants. Demographic information, physical performance tests and fall characteristics were collected. Using SPSS® version 28, the data was analysed using Descriptive analysis and One Way ANOVA. Female gender, overweight, falling outdoor, bathroom, slippery surface and bruises are the most common characteristic reported in this study. One way, ANOVA analysis indicates a significant relationship between age, repeated fallers and using walking aids with fall risk group using Timed Up Go (TUG) test. This information may help empower healthcare professionals and caretakers to identify and subsequently manage and prevent fall risk in older persons.

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(Shaharudin et al., 2024)
Shaharudin, M. I., Bakar, M. R. R. A., Seman, M. H. A., Khalid, M. I. H. A., Rahman, N. F. N. A., & Shaharudin, M. Y. (2024). Falls Characteristics of Malaysian Older Person in Klang Valley. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(3), 312–324.