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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Validation of Halal Food Products Based on Islamic Consumerism Concept

Nizaita Omar, Sumayyah Abdul Aziz, Zulkifly Muda, Ain Khadeeja Zainuzzaman

Open access

The Industrial Revolution 5.0 era today witnesses rapid growth in consumerism discourse in line with global, socio-cultural, and socio-economic changes. Alongside the rapid economic progress, the halal sector and products have become catalysts in boosting the country's economic power. This is because there is a noticeable increase in demand for 'halalan tayyiban' characterized food over time to meet the needs of Islamic countries as well as non-Islamic countries. It should be realized that the understanding of consumerism not only revolves around goods but also encompasses non-material dimensions such as services and management. The increasing complexity of supply and demand is being intensely debated in the discourse on halal food product consumerism. Today's innovative food production and biotechnology transformations have an impact on current consumerism developments, leading to the emergence of new issues within the framework of Islamic consumerism. Therefore, this study aims to identify the parameters of Islamic consumerism in validating the halal status of food products produced. This study combines qualitative and quantitative methods to obtain more comprehensive and holistic findings. Content analysis was conducted alongside semi-structured interviews and later analyzed using Nvivo14 software. Two (2) forms of Islamic consumerism parameters were identified, namely (1) Elements of Daruriyyat al Khams (consisting of five items: preservation of religion, life, intellect, progeny, and wealth), and (2) Dimension of Islamic Consumerism (consisting of halal, tayyib, Sharia-compliant innovation, and Islamic ecosystem). It is hoped that the validation parameters of halal food products based on the concept of Islamic consumerism resulting from this study are not merely a reaction to unraveling current consumerism dilemmas, but should be adopted as principles and practices that should be internalized by Muslims.

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