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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

Unleashing Intrapreneurship by Harnessing the Power of Talent Analytics

Hu Zhixiang, Nomahaza Mahadi, Mazuwin Hj Maideen, Trairong Swatdikun

Open access

Intrapreneurship has emerged as a potent concept in modern talent evaluation, going beyond traditional employee roles and embracing a progressive and proactive mindset that fosters progress and change within organisations. Furthermore, it is widely recognised as a driving force for innovation and growth. Talent analytics employs extensive data analysis to offer HR professionals statistically validated insights for making strategic decisions. However, there has been a lack of thorough investigation into the intersection between talent analytics and intrapreneurship. One challenge in integrating intrapreneurship into talent analysis is the lack of standardised metrics to measure intrapreneurial aptitude. Organizations may struggle to identify the specific qualities and skills that make a successful intrapreneurs. Moreover, fostering an entrepreneurial spirit within a structured organization may require a cultural shift and the implementation of flexible policies that encourage risk-taking and innovation. This delicate balance between autonomy and conformity can pose difficulties in effectively incorporating intrapreneurship into talent analysis processes. This paper seeks to elucidate the significance of talent analytics in facilitating and overseeing intrapreneurship. It investigates the methods by which organisations can cultivate an intrapreneurial culture and utilise talent analytics to achieve long-term company expansion. Organisations may optimise the benefits of intrapreneurial behaviour by utilising talent analytics to find, nurture, and retain intrapreneurs.

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(Zhixiang et al., 2023)
Zhixiang, H., Mahadi, N., Maideen, M. H., & Swatdikun, T. (2023). Unleashing Intrapreneurship by Harnessing the Power of Talent Analytics. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management and Sciences, 12(4), 427–433.