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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

A Review of the Impact of Motivational Factors on Employee Performance

Luo Yating, Mohd Anuar bin Arshad, Zhao Mengjiao

Open access

Amidst the swift global economic development and the influence of globalization on market dynamics, the pivotal role of human resources in the survival and progress of Chinese enterprises becomes apparent. High-performing employees are recognized as a crucial factor enabling companies to secure a competitive edge. Employing a narrative literature review, this article explores the impact of incentive factors on employee performance, providing insights for future research while considering China's distinctive national conditions. Employee performance, with diverse definitions in the literature, spans employees' comprehensive job proficiency and long-term work results. Incentives considered the "core of organizational behaviour," exhibit varied effects on employee performance, with compensation as an external motivator playing a pivotal role in driving higher productivity and directly influencing employee performance. Additionally, a positive work environment, encompassing factors like noise, office furniture, ventilation, and lighting, has been substantiated to significantly influence employee performance. In the era of global economic integration, Chinese enterprises must establish a rational and effective incentive system to ignite employees' enthusiasm and work passion, thereby elevating performance levels and sustaining competitiveness amidst fierce market competition.

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(Yating et al., 2024)
Yating, L., Arshad, Bin, M. A., & Mengjiao, Z. (2024). A Review of the Impact of Motivational Factors on Employee Performance. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Managment and Sciences, 13(1), 184–193.