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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

A Literature Review on the Measurement Methods of Digital Economy

Chi Chaonan, Norasibah Abdul Jalil, Norimah Rambeli

Open access

With the rapid development of the digital economy, measuring the digital economy has become a hot topic in current economic research. Overall, the academic community has established a preliminary framework for measuring the digital economy. However, due to the widespread application of various digital technologies in various aspects and stages of life and production, fully delineating the scale of the digital economy requires specific technical means and methods. Up to now, there is still no unified standard for measuring the digital economy. This article, through a review of relevant research on the definition and measurement methods of the digital economy, provides a comparative commentary on the strengths and weaknesses of 10 international organizations or institutions' proposed indicator systems related to the digital economy, along with their reference value. Additionally, the article presents a conceptual framework and policy recommendations for constructing an indicator system to measure the level of digital economic development using the index method in the future.

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(Chaonan et al., 2024)
Chaonan, C., Jalil, N. A., & Rambeli, N. (2024). A Literature Review on the Measurement Methods of Digital Economy. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Managment and Sciences, 13(1), 359–369.