ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Hajj is found as one of the most important practices in the history of Islam. Allah s.w.t upholds Hajj as one of the five pillars of Islam. In addition, the Hajj consists of several rituals as tawaf, saie, throwing jamrah and spending night in Mina. Order of the Hajj starts after the revelation of verse 97 in surah Ali Imran to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Based on the verse, Hajj or pilgrimage is compulsory to each of the individual Muslim who owns istita'ah (ability). This article discuss the concept of istita'ah as one of the requirement before a Muslim is obligated to perform Hajj. This study has two objectives. First, to identify the position of the pilgrimage in Islam. Second, to explain the concept of istita'ah in performing Hajj according to the four madhhab (Islamic schools of thought), which are Syafi'I, Maliki, Hanbali and Hanafi schools. In this study, data collection is done using the research library of the data in the form of a document. Next, the data is analyzed through the method of content analysis. the result indicates that istita'ah is the state of a person to perform Islamic practice depending on their ability. Moreover, the study also found the different opinions between scholars of four madhhab regarding the concept of istita'ah in requirement to perform Hajj.