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Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2308-0876


A Comparative Study on Conversion of Religion in Islamic Law and Malaysian Law

Nizaita Omar, Zulkifly Muda, Ruzaini Sulaiman @ Abdul Rahim, Istiqomah .

Open access

Islam is a pure religion. Its truth is evident. Whoever is guided by Allah to be a Muslim, he will be a Muslim and whose heart is blinded from accepting Islam as his creed, he will be a non-Muslim. As a matter of fact, the right to choose a religion or a creed is given in Islam. This is based on a general ruling in al-Quran which is “There is no compulsion in choosing a religion”. However, this concept should not be seen as contrary to dakwah which must be performed by every Muslim by using wisdom, not compulsion. Islam also has laid down the guidelines and principles concerning the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims. It is known that Islamic law was the primary law in the States of Malaya. One of the examples is the Malacca law which was applied in Malacca and had influenced other states under Malacca conquest as well. This article will analyze the subject of conversion of religion in Islamic law and in Malaysian law.

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In-Text Citation: (Omar et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article:Omar, N., Muda, Z., Rahim, R. S. @ A., & Istiqomah. (2020). A Comparative Study on Conversion of Religion in Islamic Law and Malaysian Law. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(11), 1240–1247.