This study aims to examine the role of families in children using the approach found in Kitab Tarbiyatul Aulad Fil Islam. This analysis was conducted by looking at the characters of family members found in the novel “....Rahsia Dhia!” by Mustapha which is the winning novel of the Hadiah Sastera Perdana Malaysia (HSPM). The importance of this study is because the children are easily influenced by the treatment of family members when they see something good or bad in their lives. The act of imitating this behavior can also occur during the reading process of children especially through novels that are known to have a very significant impact on the reader compared to other literary genres. In this regard, this study will also apply the approach of education of children according to Islam expressed by Ulwan in the book Tarbiyatul Aulad Fil Islam as a form of guidance to family members in educating children's behavior. The selection of this approach is seen to coincide with the need for a framework based on Islam to evaluate novels written by Muslim authors, as well as read by the majority of Muslims. This approach demonstrates five family roles to be analyzed which are examples of noble character, examples of humility, examples of worship, exemplary conduct, and physical examples. Thus, every aspect of the novel proves that the role of families presented in children's novels is following the norms of the life of children in Malaysia.
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In-Text Citation: (Ahmad et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ahmad, M. S., Kamarudin, K., Rani, M. Z. A., Hajimaming@Toklubok, P., & Roslan, S. (2021). Families as A Guideline for Children According to Tarbiyahtul Aulad Fil Islam. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(19), 98–105.
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