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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Application of Ethical and Civilisation Concepts in the Implementation of Online Distance Learning (ODL)

Halipah Hamzah, Hanani Ahmad Zubir

Open access

The government has implemented the Movement Control Order in response to the Covid-19 outbreak that has spread throughout Malaysia in 2020 (MCO). This decree indirectly affected the nation's educational system as well. Face-to-face study mode has been replaced by online distance learning (ODL) mode throughout this MCO time. The goal of this study is to identify students' ethical and moral issues, examine the contributing elements to such issues, and examine students' awareness of the ethics and behaviour that should be followed during ODL. The purpose of this study is to inform the public, in particular students, on the significance of ethics and civility in ODL. This study's methodology took the form of a library investigation that was only concerned with document analysis. This study is statistically analysed, which is descriptive in terms of spoken or written words concerning observable human behaviour. Because ethics and civilisation work to keep people from acting immorally, the key findings make it evident that they are important factors in balancing human life. The study's results do indicate that there is now a negative behaviour associated with the usage of ODL, nevertheless.

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In-Text Citation: (Hamzah & Zubir, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Hamzah, H., & Zubir, H. A. (2022). Application of Ethical and Civilisation Concepts in the Implementation of Online Distance Learning (ODL). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 3158 – 3170.