ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Child maltreatment is a significant social issue that can have long-lasting adverse effects on a child's physical, emotional, and psychological development. Parent need confidence in their parenting abilities, which can lead to healthier parent-child relationships. Parental self-efficacy influenced Child maltreatment. Child maltreatment is low if the individual's parental self-efficacy is high. The research is intended to investigate the effectiveness of Enlightening Parenting (EP) Training to improve parenting self-efficacy and reduce the potential for child maltreatment in Indonesia. Sixty mothers were selected through the sampling method and randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. The parenting self-efficacy was measured by Tool (TOPSE – Tool of Parenting Self-Efficacy) to measure Parenting Self-Efficacy. Pre-test and post-test were held to examine the effect of EP Training Module on the dependent variable, parenting self-efficacy, and the attitude toward child maltreatment. The results showed a significant difference between the mean score of the pre and post-test of the experiment group. The multivariate test showed a significant difference between the experiment group and the control group (p<.01). As such, it is concluded that EP Training effectively improves parenting self-efficacy and reduces the potential of child maltreatment. This can be a valuable resource for professionals working with families and policymakers seeking effective strategies to address parenting self-efficacy and prevent child maltreatment.
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