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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Analysis of Organizational Elements in the Arrangement of HIV Rapid Tests Offer

Biancone P.P, Silvana Secinaro, Brescia Valerio, Fabrizio Bert

Open access

The use of HIV 4rapid tests is increasingly widespread in order to raise knowledge of serological status and access to therapies especially in those populations considered more at risk. In this study, through a systematic review of literature and of the most significant projects made in the last years, we are trying to analyse the organizational elements that should be taken into consideration in order to ensure an efficient and effective service. In particular, the places of test administration, the type of staff involved, the relationship and link with a public body for the confirmation and to take charge of positivity, the counselling service offered, the costs of the service, the test type, the frequency of administration and the rate of effectiveness of the rapid test are being analysed and compared.