ISSN: 2222-6990
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1Malaysia had been seen as a concept that will work in the plural community and to ensure the equality despite the racial groups and religion. Ever since the 1Malaysia concept was announced in 2009 by the 6th Malaysian Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak, there are lots of opinions and responds being voiced out towards this idea. With the slogan of ‘People First, Performance Now”, it urges Malaysians to stay united regardless ethnics and religions. The major aim of this conception is to create racial harmony and unity among its citizens (Malay, Chinese and Indians ethnics). This paper will analyze the people’s perception and their level of understanding and acceptance towards 1Malaysia including their views on the introduction of 1Malaysia in early days and how multi-ethnic people interpretative this conception. The promotion of 1Malaysia can be widely seen in the traditional media and new media. Textual analysis and in-depth interviews methods have been used to identify the effectiveness of 1Malaysia towards the country development and how the ruling government, Barisan Nasional (BN) response in promoting one identity to representing the country. Despite, the great promotion and educating the Malaysians on the 1Malaysia goals, many of them still criticize the government and not supporting its implementation. The 1Malaysia is not only being criticized by the public, but also among the politicians especially from the Opposition parties. Yet, the ruling government, BN took an action by protecting 1Malaysia and believing in it. The government stands strong behind this concept and put lots of effort in order for this to succeed.
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In-Text Citation: (Chinnasamy et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Chinnasamy, S., Rosnon, M. R., Yusof, N., & Shaari, J. (2020). The Perception and Acceptance of Malaysians Ethnics on The Concept of 1Malaysia and Nation Building: Online Media and Mainstream Media Coverage Meditation. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(16), 423-445.
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