ISSN: 2226-3624
Open access
This study explores the critical role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in modern policing, with a focus on Abu Dhabi Police (ADP). AI adoption is pivotal in enhancing decision-making, predictive policing, and community safety, aligning with the UAE's technological advancement goals. Despite its transformative potential, challenges such as data security, privacy, technological complexity, and organizational readiness hinder implementation. Leveraging the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework, this research identifies key factors influencing AI adoption, including relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, top management support, and regulatory pressures. Using a review of past studies, findings reveal that while AI's perceived advantages drive adoption, challenges like system complexity and data concerns impede progress. The study highlights the importance of leadership and regulatory backing in fostering adoption. Recommendations for future research include developing frameworks to address security risks, fostering organizational innovativeness, and leveraging regulatory support for sustainable AI integration in law enforcement, ultimately contributing to enhanced operational efficiency and community trust.
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