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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Implications Trends of Peer Learning in the STEM Teaching and Learning Process: A Systematic Literature Review (SLR)

Sharifah Intan Natalia binti Syed Abdul Bahari, Mohd Effendi @ Ewan Mohd Matore

Open access

Peer learning is a student-based learning process, where students help other students in their learning process. This self-study study is important to help students improve their understanding, especially in the context of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Unfortunately, studies related to the implications of peer learning trends are not discussed much, especially in the context of STEM despite having many advantages. Thus, this study aims to analyze the trend of peer learning implications that are most often used through the highlights of previous studies and further develop a conceptual framework in the STEM teaching and learning process. Two databases namely SCOPUS and WOS were used in the screening of articles using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) which includes selection criteria, search strategy, data collection, selection process and data analysis for the articles obtained. This study uses systematic literature highlights (SLR) in producing a trend analysis of the implications of peer learning among students. SLR survey through the analysis of publication year trends, study country trends and related variable trends through the main phase which is planning, analyzing and reporting are phases in the SLR method. Findings show that the number of studies is increasing starting in 2018 until 2022. This shows that peer learning among students is increasingly considered important to be used as a variable in a study. The trend of country analysis shows that Finland is the country that conducts the most research on the implications of peer learning followed by Turkey and France. A total of 30 articles were identified in this 5-year period through the set criteria. The findings of the study show that the most dominant implication trend in peer learning is increased student involvement followed by improved communication skills and accelerated learning. The conceptual framework formed involves three main elements in this trend of implications, namely increasing student engagement, improving communication skills and accelerating learning. The idea behind this study is to improve the quality of teaching and learning in schools so that it can have a more positive effect in the effort to produce excellent students. Therefore, further research developed in the future is very necessary to examine whether the other two implication trends, namely building networks and gaining new perspectives can be included in the conceptual framework developed. Apart from that, further research can also be carried out to expand the concept of peer learning to other institutional contexts other than just focusing on schools and a review can be done on the definition of peer learning.

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In-Text Citation: (Bahari & Matore, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Bahari, S. I. N. binti S. A., & Matore, M. E. @ E. M. (2023). Implications Trends of Peer Learning in the STEM Teaching and Learning Process: A Systematic Literature Review (SLR). International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12(1), 517–533.