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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Accountability as The Professional Judgment Key Principle of School Inspectorate for School Inspection

Zalifah Rosli, Mohd Effendi @ Ewan Mohd Matore

Open access

Accountability in professional judgment within schools is important for maintaining integrity, building trust, and guaranteeing that decisions align with the best interests of students and the broader educational community. It pays to a culture of continuous improvement and professionalism in the field of education. This paper provides an overview of the topic accountability as the key principle of professional judgment of school inspectorate in the context of school inspection. In the realm of education, school inspection plays a pivotal role in ensuring the quality and effectiveness of educational institutions. This also explores the central theme of accountability as it pertains to the professional judgment exercised by school inspectorates during the process of school inspection. This concept paper uses systematic review as a method since it contributes to the accountability as the key principle of professional judgment at school. The major finding for this paper is to portray the significance of accountability within the school inspection context, highlighting its role in maintaining transparency, fairness, and credibility in the evaluation of educational institutions. It delves into the various dimensions of accountability, including accountability to stakeholders, legislative bodies, and the broader educational community. Additionally, the abstract addresses the challenges and ethical considerations associated with accountability in school inspection. The discussion in this paper emphasizes that accountability is not merely a bureaucratic requirement but a fundamental principle that underpins the integrity of school inspection processes. By scrutinizing the concept of accountability in the context of school inspection, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of the dynamics involved in assessing and enhancing the quality of education. Ultimately, it advocates for a balanced and robust approach to accountability, which fosters improvement and equity in education systems. In further research, the use of this key principles could be a means of promoting transparency in decision-making processes. This transparency is important for stakeholders to understand how decisions are reached, creating an open and communicative environment within the school community.

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(Rosli & Matore, 2024)
Rosli, Z., & Matore, M. E. @ E. M. (2024). Accountability as The Professional Judgment Key Principle of School Inspectorate for School Inspection. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(1), 157–169.