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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Evaluating the Impact of Service-Learning Malaysia-University for Society (SULAM) on Student Learning and Community Engagement

Muhammad Zarunnaim Wahab

Open access

This study examines the impact of the Service-Learning Malaysia-University for Society (SULAM) program on student learning and community engagement. SULAM, introduced by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, integrates community service with academic learning, fostering critical reflective thinking and personal and civic responsibility. The program aims to enhance student learning, practical skill application, and societal contributions. The study evaluates whether the SULAM program effectively impacts the targeted society. A quantitative method was applied via a survey conducted among 62 students from a secondary school in Kedah to assess the SULAM program's effectiveness, namely the Finance Enlightenment Program. The findings indicate significant improvements in students' knowledge and skills in financial planning, with all the participants reporting enhanced understanding post-program. Additionally, students exhibited increased confidence in applying, sharing, and teaching acquired knowledge. The evaluation reveals high satisfaction levels with the program's location, duration, facilitator effectiveness, and delivery method. Over 95% of respondents positively rated these aspects, highlighting the program's successful execution. The study underscores SULAM's dual benefits: it enriches student learning through real-world application and fosters a sense of civic duty, while also providing valuable services to communities. The positive reception and significant knowledge gains among participants demonstrate SULAM's efficacy in bridging academic learning with community engagement, promoting a well-rounded educational experience that prepares students for future challenges and societal contributions. However, future studies should include a larger and more diverse group of respondents to ensure the findings are representative and can be generalized to a broader population.

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(Wahab, 2024)

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