ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Teaching fractions effectively at the primary school level is a persistent challenge faced by mathematics educators worldwide. This study explores the specific difficulties encountered in teaching fractions, the pedagogical strategies employed to overcome these challenges and the impact of these strategies on students' understanding. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with three experienced Malaysian primary school mathematics teachers and the data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The analysis identified key challenges related to both conceptual and procedural understanding. Additionally, the study highlighted effective teaching strategies, including active and collaborative learning, as well as the use of diverse instructional materials. The findings underscore the importance of tailored teaching approaches and resources in enhancing students' comprehension of fractions, offering valuable insights for educators and curriculum developers aiming to improve mathematics instruction. These insights provide practical recommendations for educators and curriculum developers to improve mathematics instruction, particularly through integrating hands-on and technology-based learning methods.
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