Municipalities are the main supplier of several services provided to the society in its daily life. This study aims to clarify the extent to which Palestinian municipalities at Gaza strip get benefits from scientific research conducted on them. Around 70 master theses were conducted during 2004- 2022, distributed on three Palestinian universities. This study reached several conclusions. The most important ones are as follows: the absence of the role of Ministry of local government or municipalities in determining the real needs of the issues to be addressed or investigated through scientific research. The results showed that the roles of Ministry of local government or municipalities are completely absent in arbitration of questionnaires in terms of feasibility of the dimensions and questions raised in the questionnaires. However, arbitration is limited to the academic aspect. The results also reflected that the results of studied addressing more than one municipality were analyzed for research purposes as if they were one community. This study introduced several recommendations, such as: there must be a clear strategy and real coordination between ministry of local government, municipalities, and universities to determine a set of vital issues to be investigated. The study also recommended that universities should encourage researchers to invite the ministry and municipalities to participate in arbitrating questionnaires, without limiting arbitrating process to academic level. The study also recommended that the ministry should establish a committee to follow up the outcomes of scientific research to get benefits from their feedback.
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In-Text Citation: (Jouda, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Jouda, S. M. S. (2022). The Reality of Municipalities at Gaza Strip in Scientific Research: An Analytical Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting Finance and Management Sciences. 12(2), 672 – 685.
Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s)
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