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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

The Effect of a Problem-Solving Approach on Students’ Heuristics Knowledge Development

Nurul Akmal Md Nasir, Parmjit Singh

Open access

Various current studies have shown that high school leavers have a major bridge to gap between the expectations of tertiary level cognitive requirements and their current thinking repertoire in mathematics learning. This study investigates if cognitive strategy or heuristics were the stumbling blocks (other than content knowledge) in inhibiting students’ mathematical thinking development. Thus, this three-phase study was undertaken to examine the effect of the problem-solving approach (PSA) on students’ heuristic knowledge development in solving non-routine problems. This study employed a quasi-experimental design, comprising 49 first-year college students majoring in mathematics. The first phase findings show that students' lack the repertoire of heuristic knowledge that, to a large extent, inhibited their ability to solve problems. The second phase findings show a positive impact of PSA on students' cognitive heuristic ability in solving problems. The third phase found a significant relationship between heuristic knowledge and the math thinking scores. These heuristics allowed them to generate necessary ‘tools’ in the absence of the requisite knowledge in seeking solutions to the problems. The findings suggest that college students need to be provided more opportunities to develop their heuristic knowledge and to connect with core math content to bridge the gap with the cognitive requirements of college mathematics.