In this study, researchers discuss about the reform strategy in the distribution of business capital assistance to asnaf entrepreneurs in MAIM, Melaka. Onee types of assistance that has been channeled by the management and administration of MAIM zakat is the assistance in the form of business capital. Providing capital can generate long term income and help transform them into entrepreneurs and subsequently change from zakat recipients to zakat payers. However, it is often claimed that the assistance provided is not economically effective. Most of the assistance recipients experienced failures and the main reason given was facing capital related problems. This study aims to identify the form of capital assistance distribution conducted in MAIM, Melaka as well as to identify strategies to improve the distribution of business capital assistance to asnaf entrepreneurs. This study uses a qualitative study design that uses interviews and documentation methods. Interviews were conducted on zakat officers and several asnaf entrepreneurs who received business capital assistance. The results of this study have produced two themes based on two questions. The themes that emerged from the first question were capital, financial and equipment capital assistsnce. While the second question is training strategy and gradual monitoring. It is hoped that the findings of this study can provide useful information to zakat institutions to further improve the efficiency of zakat distribution to asnaf entrepreneurs in Melaka.
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In-Text Citation: (Abai & Awang, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Abai, D. S. A., & Awang, M. D. (2021). Strategy of Business Capital Assistance to ASNAF Entrepreneurs: A Study in Maim, Melaka. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(17), 92–98.
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