ISSN: 2222-6990
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This paper discusses the importance of non-verbal communication within the organization. Communication involves the presentation of ideas and feelings to others. People communicate because they want to influence the understanding of others, the attitude and the actions of others whether they agree or not on the issue. In addition, communication is also a two-way process in which both parties must respond to any information that is communicated. Without realizing it, non-verbal communication is complementary to verbal communication. This non-verbal communication is an important message form as it can interpret the emotion, personality, purpose and social status of a person. Therefore, it is undeniable that most of the excellence of an organization is related to the effectiveness of the communication process. The previous study discusses non-verbal communication in terms of behavior, attitude and focuses only on students. There is very little study within the organization. Therefore, non-verbal communication within the organization should be given more emphasis because it is very important in ensuring that employees understand the true concept of non-verbal communication so that the message is not misinterpreted.
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In-Text Citation: (Ibrahim et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ibrahim, N. A. N., Abdul Rani, N. S., Jamri, M. H., Bakar, M. H., Abdul Wahab, S., Mahbob, M. H., & Kahar, N. (2022). The Importance of Non-Verbal Communication in Organizations. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(6), 1841 – 1851.
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