ISSN: 2222-6990
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There is a need for changes in teacher attributes in improving teaching competencies and practices through continuous professional development through collaborative Professional Learning Community (PLC) activities with colleagues. In this regard, this article aims to examine the findings of the case study from the perspective of four Heads of the Panel of core subjects, namely the Head of the Malay Language, English, Mathematics, and Science in primary schools undergoing the Transformation 2025 Program (TS25) Cohort 6 starting in 2021. School documentation, observation, and interviews are the research methods used in this study. Findings show that PLC is an integrated collection of academic activities towards supporting and assisting teachers who are committed in improving the quality of teachers and schools, working collaboratively and continuously in making inquiries or action research to realize the students' well-being. Subsequently, the strengthening of PLC practices led to an increase in the professionalism of teachers. In the meantime, challenges in implementing PLC activities such as time constraints and lack of knowledge in new curriculum changes are also discussed. The real implication, understanding of the concept and philosophy of the PLC among the school leadership ranks is the driving force for teachers to cultivate or sustain PLCs in schools.
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In-Text Citation: (Bachok & Nasri, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Bachok, H., & Nasri, N. M. (2022). Professional Learning Community (PLC) Practices Drive Attributes Changes among Primary School Teachers Through School Transformation 2025 Program (Ts25). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(7), 528 – 545.
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