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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Internal Factors in The Implementation of ISO 45001 among Organizations

Nurul Nabihah binti Abbas, Kadir bin Ariifin

Open access

This paper discusses the issue of the implementation of ISO 45001 in an organization. The purpose of implementing ISO 45001 is to enable organizations to proactively achieve occupational health and safety performance in preventing injuries and ill health. General descriptions related to ISO 45001 are given to provide a preliminary understanding. The discussion began with a focus analysis in the previous study. Further, the discussion and review ultimately focused on the internal factors affecting the implementation of ISO 45001 in Malaysia. This quantitative research used questionnaire involving 220 organization covering electrical and electronic services, engineering, scientific and services that have certified with ISO 45001. The results show that the overall level of the internal factor in the implementation is high mean. Nonetheless, the element that had the greatest impact on the implementation was communication which had a mean=4.28, followed by management commitment which had mean=4.07. The lesson that can be seen from this discussion and review is that in order to implement ISO 45001, the management needs to emphasize and take into account the internal factors that can influence the implementation of ISO 45001 in order to enjoy a double positive effect in the long term. In addition, can be used as a guide for management for each organization improved occupational health and safety management in their organization through effective planning for management and workers in reducing workplace accidents

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In-Text Citation: (Abbas & Ariifin, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Abbas, N. N. binti, & Ariifin, K. bin. (2023). Internal Factors in The Implementation of ISO 45001 among Organizations. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(7), 987 – 996.