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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Factors Affecting the Owner Satisfaction in Low-cost Housing: A Regional Analysis for Strategic Segmentation

Salasmi Sepawie, Boo Ho Voon, Siow Hoo Leong, Jati Kasuma

Open access

Owner satisfaction is one of the most important tools for evaluating and improving housing developer performance and government housing policies. The quality of government low-cost housing projects must be monitored, and data on owner satisfaction can assist. Owner satisfaction in low-cost housing, on the other hand, has been studied primarily in public low-cost flats. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that influence owner satisfaction in low-cost terrace housing. 806 questionnaires were distributed, and 403 completed questionnaires were collected from the study's target respondents. Five low-cost terrace housing areas in three regions of Sarawak were surveyed. Multiple regression analysis was used to investigate the factors that contribute to owner satisfaction. The findings show that in all three regions, homeownership, housing policies of developers, and house quality are the three key elements that have a substantial impact on owner satisfaction. In the Southern and Northern Regions, developer housing policies are a major determinant in owner satisfaction, whereas in the Central Region, homeownership is important. Only in the Central Region does the social environment component considerably influence owner satisfaction. Surprisingly, in the Northern Region, the cost of the home does not much affect how satisfied the owners are with their homes. This study was restricted to Sarawak means that it might not be applicable to other regions. To validate the results, additional research is needed in other geographic locations or with different home designs.

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In-Text Citation: (Sepawie et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Sepawie, S., Voon, B. H., Leong, S. H., & Kasuma, J. (2022). Factors Affecting the Owner Satisfaction in Low-cost Housing: A Regional Analysis for Strategic Segmentation. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(9), 950 – 966.