Physical development, which includes real estate activities, is currently very active in developing countries. This is especially true in Southeast Asian countries that aim to transform their countries into developed countries. Southeast Asia is rapidly industrialising and growing; this growth has resulted in a rise in energy consumption and environmental effects. Deforestation, landslides, pollution and the greenhouse effect have all been impacted by the global development process, which began in developed countries. Therefore, the idea of a green home or green building which embraces green technology has received attention. A green home is a set of household systems that reduce demand for natural resources and carbon emissions, resulting in improved human well-being, social equality, and a green economy. It incorporates eco-friendly strategies for water and waste management systems, such as rainwater harvesting and water recycling, in addition to energy-efficient structures. A green home is more than just a green building, but it symbolises a sustainable lifestyle based on environmentally friendly technologies and practices. This article aims to review the application of green technology in housing and to explore green homes in selected Southeast Asian countries. Secondary data was used for the purpose of this study. The review of articles found that Singapore is on the cutting edge of most technical advancements compared to Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. Meanwhile, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand are concerned about housing affordability as this is the foundation for the majority of housing initiatives in these three countries, especially in Malaysia and Thailand.
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In-Text Citation: (Sohaimi et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Sohaimi, N. S., Yusoff, M. N., Zulkifli, Z., Ramli, R. A., & Sohaimi, M. S. N. (2023). How are Southeast Asia Countries Embracing Green Home Technology? International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(2), 379 – 392.