ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study discusses the significance and methods of integrating family education into the teaching of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities. Firstly, the teaching methods and contents of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities, as well as the concept and importance of family education are introduced. Secondly, the connection between ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities and family education is explained, and how to integrate family education into the teaching of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities is discussed. Then, through case analysis, it further explores how family education cases can be integrated with the teaching of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities. Finally, this study evaluates the effect of integrating family education into the teaching of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities, summarizes the research results, and points out the research shortcomings and outlook.
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In-Text Citation: (Li & Wenling, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Li, Z. W., & Wenling, L. (2023). Exploring the Integration of Family Education into the Teaching of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in University. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(3), 1141 – 1151.
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