ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
A structure is taken to be a green building if it benefits the environment, people, and the economy. For a building to be ratified as green, the building owners must adhere to specific guidelines and requirements. A green building involves using sustainable practices from construction to completion, as well as having long-term positive effects on users and the environment. Retrofitting vertical greenery offers various benefits, such as increasing indoor air quality, and is an attractive and effective way of achieving green building rating points. This study adopts an integrative review methodology to assess, analyse, and synthesize the current literature, and highlights the potential of green retrofitting for improving indoor environmental quality. The requirements for three green building certification schemes were reviewed and it is concluded that vertical greenery (outdoor and indoor) can potentially contribute to give value/points of the indoor environmental quality rating criteria that are used. The findings also indicate that, vertical greenery is applicable for retrofitting existing or conventional buildings, so they meet green building certification.
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In-Text Citation:(Ghazalli et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Ghazalli, A. J., Brack, C., & Ghazalli, A. J. (2023). Improving Indoor Environmental Quality—Measuring the Potential Contribution of Vertical Greenery Systems. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(7), 1730 – 1753.
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