ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Weaknesses in the border control management can result in the escape of smugglers at the border gate. While some smugglers break through the sovereign borders with the help of organized smuggling syndicates, others randomly smuggle themselves without the help of intermediaries. This article aims to discuss the factors which lead to the smuggling of migrants, and limitations faced by the enforcement agency in safeguarding the Malaysian sovereign borders. This study focuses on the Malaysia-Thailand border which is controlled by the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP). Based on a series of interviews with relevant ministries, enforcement agencies and other stakeholders, this article found that factors causing migrant smuggling are multifaceted. These include the high demands for irregular migrant labourers, smuggling as a lucrative industry and the growing role of social networks in facilitating smuggling activities. The enforcement agencies also face operational limitations. These include, among others, limited manpower, assets and technology as well as logistical challenges. Based on the findings of this study, the implications is that any effort to strengthen border management must consider three aspects: (i) strengthening human resources; (ii) use appropriate equipment and technologies; and (iii) establish top-down policy that reflects the real needs for countering migrant smuggling.
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