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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

A Literature Review on Music Parameter Extraction and Visualization

Deran Jin, Mohd Zairul, Sarah Abdulkareem Salih

Open access

Music visualization research is extremely complex and dynamic. Several researchers have applied various methods to persevere in the study of all aspects that make up music. The complexity of music also includes factors such as waveform, frequency, pitch, rhythm, tempo, timbre, and chords. Researchers in recent years have studied the extraction of single elements, visualization, or cross-discipline for these aspects. As far as the current research is concerned, most of the disciplines related to music visualization are focused on computers, psychology, sports science, and other related disciplines. Research on the elements of music itself has focused on music visualization, music element extraction, music association, music emotion, and the study of several important aspects of music, such as waveform, frequency, pitch, rhythm, tempo, timbre, and chord. After reviewing the research, this paper has found that with the continuous development of science and technology, music visualization has a progressive intersection with computer science, artificial intelligence, and neural networks. Thus, future research can continue to interact more with computer science.

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