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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Exploration of Color in Contemporary Expressionist Landscape Oil Paintings in China

Yi Li, Ida Puteri Binti Mahsan

Open access

This study explores the use and characteristics of color in contemporary Chinese expressionist landscape oil paintings, emphasizing the central position of color in visual art and its role in expressing emotions and exploring themes. This study adopted qualitative research methods, including semi-structured interviews and observation, to gain an in-depth understanding of the use of color in contemporary Chinese expressionist landscape oil paintings. Through in-depth conversations with artists and detailed observations of their work, the motivations, emotions and symbolism behind the use of color are captured. In addition, this study integrates thematic analysis and Feldman's theory of art criticism to analyze interview data and the use of color in the works of famous Chinese artists. Research findings show that artists tend to use bright and expressive colors to create strong visual impact through personalized color choices and bold color contrasts. In addition, through the use of techniques such as "impasto" and "scumbling", artists enhance the texture and visual depth of their works, thereby improving the overall expressiveness of the artwork. The color characteristic model created by the researchers has a positive effect on art education and provides theoretical support for understanding the innovation of contemporary expressionist painters in the use of color. Given the important role of color in contemporary Chinese expressionist landscape oil paintings, future research can expand the scope of research to explore the use of color in different art genres, and it is recommended to study the works of emerging contemporary young artists to understand new trends in the use of color. and innovative approaches to further enrich art education and critical theory. The research results have had a profound impact on art education, creation, criticism and the market, and pointed out new directions for the future development of art.

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(Li & Mahsan, 2024)
Li, Y., & Mahsan, I. P. B. (2024). Exploration of Color in Contemporary Expressionist Landscape Oil Paintings in China. International Journal Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(5), 607–623.