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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Exploring Dong Zhongshu's TianXia Worldview through the Principles of Benevolence and Righteousness

Chunmin Dai, Suhaila Abdullah

Open access

This study reveals Dong Zhongshu's worldview of Tianxia (??) through an investigation of the principles of benevolence and righteousness from the Spring and Autumn Annals. Thus, this study employs a qualitative research methodology to clarify the theory of ruling the world with benevolence and righteousness. Literature research and classic interpretation methods were used to examine his thoughts on benevolence and his worldview of Tianxia. His perspective on benevolence and righteousness was from the Spring and Autumn Annals. In political practice, benevolence and righteousness are only standard. Dong Zhongshu developed the way of Kingship of Universal Benevolence (????), in which the king starts by improving himself and then extends benevolent governance from nearby areas to larger territories until Tianxia. Tianxia is not the expansion of territory, let alone a political goal, but rather the application of Confucian Tianxia feelings in realistic politics. Dong Zhongshu’s Tianxia worldview promotes the way of Kingship, which is consistent with humanity's most fundamental moral standards, and the concept of forming a community of human destiny and thus merits further investigation.This study reveals Dong Zhongshu's worldview of Tianxia (??) through an investigation of the principles of benevolence and righteousness from the Spring and Autumn Annals. Thus, this study employs a qualitative research methodology to clarify the theory of ruling the world with benevolence and righteousness. Literature research and classic interpretation methods were used to examine his thoughts on benevolence and his worldview of Tianxia. His perspective on benevolence and righteousness was from the Spring and Autumn Annals. In political practice, benevolence and righteousness are only standard. Dong Zhongshu developed the way of Kingship of Universal Benevolence (????), in which the king starts by improving himself and then extends benevolent governance from nearby areas to larger territories until Tianxia. Tianxia is not the expansion of territory, let alone a political goal, but rather the application of Confucian Tianxia feelings in realistic politics. Dong Zhongshu’s Tianxia worldview promotes the way of Kingship, which is consistent with humanity's most fundamental moral standards, and the concept of forming a community of human destiny and thus merits further investigation.

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