ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Creativity in education plays an important role in fostering creative, critical thinking and innovation, especially for teachers in providing students with a more meaningful learning experience. In this regard, TL planning is the main building for teachers in practicing creativity to implement more organized and systematic teaching guided by the various needs of students and the subjects taught. This study aims to develop and validate the Engineering Drawing Teacher Creativity Practice (CPT-ED) Teaching and Learning Planning Framework. A mixed-methods approach is an option in the study design. Sequential Mixed Exploration Method to explore the constructs, sub-constructs and elements of the CPT-ED Teaching and Learning Planning Framework (TL) at the qualitative study phase stage. However, this study focuses on the quantitative phase of developing and validating the research framework by using two data analysis methods, namely Exploration Factor Analysis (EFA) and Validation Factor Analysis (CFA) which are analyzed using IBM-SPSS AMOS 23 software. The data was collected using a six-point Likert scale questionnaire from 300 teachers comprising ED teachers in nine SMTs across Malaysia and teachers teaching Technical Communication Graphics (TCG) subjects in Secondary Schools in Malaysia. This research highlights how TL Planning teachers' creative practices improve the effectiveness and smoothness of the overall teaching process and provide a meaningful experience to students. The findings of the study show that there are four sub-constructs and 15 TL elements of CPT-ED planning. The findings also show that the listed CPT-ED planning TL framework has met the characteristics of the appropriate model and has been validated. This study was conducted because of the importance of creativity in teaching as well as the need for guidance and reference for creative teaching practices, especially for the subject of Engineering Drawing (ED) referring to the research problems that have been identified.
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