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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Role of Green Knowledge Management in Driving Organizational Green Innovation: A Systematic Literature Review

Nur Shaliza Sapiai, Hafizah Mat Nawi, Wan Masnieza Wan Mustapha, Norazmila Yusuf, Fadhilah Mohd Ishak @ Zainudin

Open access

Green Knowledge Management (GKM) plays a pivotal role in driving organizational green innovation by enhancing sustainability through the systematic acquisition, storage, sharing, and application of green knowledge. Studies demonstrate that GKM significantly contributes to business sustainability and innovation capabilities, as seen in the mining industry of South Kalimantan, where elements like green knowledge acquisition and application positively impact performance. Institutional support is crucial, with universities needing to reconfigure their infrastructures to foster green innovation. Collaborative multi-stakeholder efforts are vital for producing actionable insights, while government investment in green innovation proves more effective than corporate investment due to a higher risk appetite. To achieve this, we conducted an extensive search of scholarly articles from reputable databases such as Scopus and Web of Science (WoS), focusing on studies published between 2022 and 2024—the flow of study on the PRISMA framework. The database found (n=518) that the final primary data was analyzed. The findings were divided into three themes: (1) Green Knowledge Management and Green Innovation, (2) Green Knowledge Management and Organizational Performance, and (3) Green Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning Capabilities. The integration of digital technologies further enhances green innovation performance, underscoring the need for comprehensive strategies that incorporate resource management, institutional support, and technological advancements to achieve organizational sustainability and innovation. Future research should explore GKM's impact across various industries and cultural contexts to develop holistic approaches for enhancing green innovation and performance

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