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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Investigating the Effectiveness of Inter-Varsity Stock Challenge to Inculcate Stock Trading Literacy Amongst Youth

Lim You Ping, Loh Kah Heng, Theresa Chiew Gim Ean , Ong Jing Kai

Open access

Experiential learning through educational simulation provides opportunity for development of hard and soft skills requested by employers. The acquired skills prepare learners for future employment through ability of application of theories and concepts in real-life situations. This paper describes the Inter-Varsity Stock Challenge (IVSC) as an example of experiential learning through stock trading simulation in increasing investment awareness to promote stock trading literacy amongst millennials who are the next generation of investors. This stock trading competition allowed participants to learn and practice in a risk-free environment, thus, providing an avenue to nurture their interest and develop their talent in stock trading. We believe that this approach of learning will enable participants to bridge the gap between theoretical concepts and real-life financial investment decision. This study adapts George Miller framework for assessing levels of competency by including the level of awareness prior to the simulation of stock trading. The learning experience of participants before and after participating in the stock trading simulation competition were captured in a 32 items online questionnaire consisting of cognitive, affective and physical dimensions through a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire. A reliability analysis on the perceived task values scale with Cronbach’s alpha between 0.71 and 0.96 indicates that the measures were valid as the reliability coefficients obtained for all 3 dimensions were higher than the recommended level of 0.70. The collected data was analyzed using statistical package, SPSS 20. The statistical results revealed that the IVSC has met its objective to raise stock trading literacy amongst the youth. Business major participants have gained relatively higher stock trading literacy as compared to non-business major participants after participating the IVSC. The results also affirmed that the stock trading workshops series has effectively enhanced the stock trading literacy of participants. However, there were no significant difference between gender of participants in enhancing their stock trading literacy. This indicated that all participants regardless of gender have learnt about stock trading throughout the IVSC as an example of experiential learning through stock trading simulation in increasing investment awareness and stock trading literacy in the equity market.

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In-Text Citation: (Ping et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Ping, L. Y., Heng, L. K., Ean, T. C. G., & Kai, O. J. (2020). Investigating the Effectiveness of Inter-Varsity Stock Challenge to Inculcate Stock Trading Literacy Amongst Youth. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(5), 86–101.