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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Effect of Technology Acceptance on Student Understanding During ODL Sessions in UiTM Melaka

Nurul Asma Mazlan, Nurhafizah Mohd Zolkapli, Nur Aqilah Norwahi, Wan Musyirah Wan Ismail

Open access

This study focuses on technology acceptance during implementation of Online Distance Learning (ODL) in UiTM Melaka during Restricted Movement Order (MRO) due to Pandemic Covid-19. It is to identify how technology acceptance could affect the student understanding. This study collected survey from 370 students from three branches in UiTM Melaka. The study is descriptive and analytical which using quantitative method using SPSS analysis in order analyze the relationship between student understanding and technology acceptance. Result shows that it can be signified that there is a positive and strong relationship existed between technology acceptance and student understanding, with the correlation of 0.613. The p value that is lower than 0.01 represented that there is significant relationship between technology acceptance and student understanding. Therefore, the results implied that technology acceptance can positively influence student understanding about the content of learning activities that have been provided by their lecturer during ODL sessions. It can be concluded that the more students accept and understand how to use the technology, the more they could understand about the content of learning during ODL sessions.

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In-Text Citation: (Mazlan, Zolkapli, Norwahi, & Ismail, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Mazlan, N. A., Zolkapli, N. M., Norwahi, N. A., & Ismail, W. M. W. (2020). The Effect of Technology Acceptance on Student Understanding During ODL Sessions in UiTM Melaka. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(9), 1166-1177.