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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

SCORE Model Analysis: Why Most People Will Never Succeed with GRIT?

Tanesh N. Segar, Mohd Effendi Ewan Mohd Matore

Open access

GRIT for a student is their perseverance in facing the challenges of life in the context of education. Grit is important for students because it drives persistence through challenges and fosters long-term success by encouraging students to keep striving despite setbacks. It helps turn obstacles into opportunities for growth. The discussion of grit using the SCORE model is not much discussed compared to the model in other strategy planning tools. Therefore, this concept paper aims to describe strategy-based assessment in grit practice in Malaysia using the SCORE Model. The methodology used for this concept paper is the thorough analysis of grit using SCORE model that measured among five elements such as Strengths (S), Challenges (C), Options (O), Responses (R) and Effectiveness (E). The major findings show that SCORE model effectively can show the potential of grit by recognizing the strength, challenges, options, responses and effectiveness in educational context. This encourages students to embrace challenges, persist through setbacks, and take ownership of their learning journey. These qualities are integral to developing grit and resilience, which are crucial for long-term academic and personal success. The limitation on this paper can be improving by using any other model to get variety of perspectives such as SWOT, TOWS, NOISE, and SOAR. This finding has important implications towards Growth Mindset Theory that suggests that individuals who believe their abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work are more likely to persevere in the face of challenges. Trait Theories also contributed personality trait related to conscientiousness and perseverance. Trait theories suggest that grit can be stable over time and across situations, influencing how individuals approach tasks and pursue long-term goals. Further research might include longitudinal studies to investigate the stability of grit over time and its predictive capacity for outcomes such as academic performance, career achievement, and overall well-being using any other strategic planning paradigm.

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Segar, T. N., & Matore, M. E. @ E. M. (2024). SCORE Model Analysis: Why Most People Will Never Succeed with GRIT? International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 13(3), 638–647.