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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Development of Bumiputera Communicated Identity Index for Malaysian Statutory Bodies

Roshima Said, Corina Joseph, Noor Zahirah Mohd. Sidek, Azlyn Zawawi, Zaherawati Zakaria, Mahadir Ladisma@Awis, Roziya Abu, Normah Omar

Open access

This paper aims to explain the development of the Bumiputera Communicated Identity Index for Malaysian statutory bodies. The final 16 themes consist of 213 items have been developed in the instrument. The Bumiputera Communicated Identity Index will serve as the evaluation tool for Malaysian statutory bodies to identify themselves as the agencies that are actively improving the socio-economic status of Bumiputera community by promoting participation with stakeholders and citizens, which could be done via website. The Bumiputera Communicated Identity Index hopefully can be used to reduce the differences between public and private sectors. Transparency and accountability will be simultaneously improved.

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In-Text Citation: (Said et al., 2018)
To Cite this Article: Said, R., Joseph, C., Sidek, N. Z. M., Zawawi, A., Zakaria, Z., Ladisma@Awis, M., Omar, N. (2018). Development of Bumiputera Communicated Identity Index for Malaysian Statutory Bodies. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(3), 195–206.