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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Pedagogical Significance of STEAM Toys for Preschoolers

Loy Chee Luen, Yonghong Guo, Lyu Jian

Open access

The integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) concepts into early childhood education has become increasingly recognized for its potential to foster holistic development and prepare preschoolers for future academic endeavors. Central to this approach is the selection of appropriate toys that effectively promote STEAM learning while catering to the unique needs and interests of preschoolers. The primary challenge lies in identifying suitable toys that not only align with STEAM principles but also offer meaningful educational experiences for preschoolers. Moreover, understanding the educational significance of STEAM toys in terms of promoting soft skills is essential for educators and parents seeking to enrich early childhood education. This study aims to identify toys conducive to promoting STEAM education in preschool settings and examine their educational significance for preschoolers soft skills. A comprehensive review of academic journals and relevant literature was conducted to identify toys that effectively promote STEAM learning in preschool children. The methodology involved examining the characteristics and educational significant of various toys through a library research approach. The research findings indicate that toys promoting STEAM encompass a wide range of activities, including early science exploration, technology-based play, engineering challenges, artistic expression, and mathematical reasoning. These toys serve as invaluable tools for fostering preschoolers’ soft skills includes creativity, stimulating critical thinking, and cultivating problem-solving skills in preschoolers, thereby laying a solid foundation for their future academic and personal development. In conclusion, the integration of STEAM toys into early childhood education offers significant educational benefits, promoting the development of essential soft skills from an early age. Educators and parents are encouraged to incorporate STEAM toys into early childhood environments to provide enriching learning experiences that support holistic development. This study contributes to the understanding of the educational significance of STEAM toys for preschoolers, emphasizing their role in nurturing lifelong learners equipped with essential 21st-century skills.

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(Luen et al., 2024)
Luen, L. C., Guo, Y., & Jian, L. (2024). The Pedagogical Significance of STEAM Toys for Preschoolers. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(1), 2146–2154.