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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Implementation of Primary School Standards-Based Curriculum (Revision 2017) for Music Education: A Focus on Resources and Teacher Knowledge

Hazlifhadiahana Rosli, Nurfaradilla Mohamad Nasri

Open access

This study investigates the factors influencing the successful implementation of Primary School Standards-based Curriculum (KSSR) Revision 2017 for Music Education in the Musical Skill Module (MSM) among primary school teachers in Selangor. The research focuses on three key areas: the availability of facilities and resources, teacher knowledge, and the variations in perceptions between music-options and non-options teachers. Using a quantitative approach, the study collected data through surveys with primary school teachers involved in music education. The findings reveal a generally medium-high level of facilities and resources available for MSM implementation while the teachers demonstrated high proficiency in basic education and pedagogical knowledge, though content knowledge specific to MSM showed room for improvement. A significant difference in perceived knowledge levels between music-options and non-options teachers was identified, with the former group feeling more confident in MSM implementation. The study emphasizes the necessity of focused professional development to tackle this discrepancy, guaranteeing that all teachers are similarly equipped to provide exceptional music education. These findings have important implications for educational practice and policy, particularly in enhancing the equitable distribution of resources and knowledge across primary schools.

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