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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Hands-on Activity with Manipulatives Framework for Facilitating Early Algebraic Thinking

Maisarah Abdul Manas, Salbiah Mohamad Hashim

Open access

This module was developed to address students’s weaknesses in algebraic topics. Particularly in understanding the fundamentals of algebraic concepts. Research indicated that many students encounter difficulties with key algebraic terms and find it challenging to connect abstract algebraic concepts to real-life situations. To overcome these issues, this module is designed based on the 5E learning model (engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate) and incorporates the Engineering Design Process (EDP) application. The module incorporates hands-on activities to enhance students' visualisation of algebraic concepts. The module's design aligns with the Mathematics Curriculum and Assessment Standard Document (DSKP) by the Malaysian Ministry of Education, ensuring its relevance to the national curriculum. By enhancing the students fundamental understanding of algebra, this module also encourages active participation in the learning process, ultimately aiming to strengthen the algebraic thinking skills as well as engagement during learning. This paper presents the conceptual framework of the Hands-on 5E (HO5E) module along with a concise example of a lesson for teaching and learning early algebra topics using this methodology. Utilising a context analysis methodology, we examined and evaluated material and documents pertaining to algebraic thinking, hands-on activities, the 5E model, and engineering design processes (EDP) to formulate the HO5E framework, which connects algebra with practical experiences. This framework offers essential resources for mathematics educators and researchers, compromising conventional lesson materials, assessment instruments, and new pedagogical strategies for core algebra topics. By employing this framework, teachers and researchers can establish a shared foundation that outlines the methodology, methods, process, and activities for visualising algebraic concepts through hands-on activities with tangible manipulatives. This approach not only helps students grasp algebra more clearly but also enables them to appreciate its beauty and relevance to real-world context.

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