ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
In this information technology world today, information plays a prominent role every one relies on it. Information come from paper, sound, visual, images-based material and also it may be in the form of oral, written or image. This paper describes a meaning of Information Literacy (IL) and Lifelong Learning (LL). It also emphasis on relationship between IL and LL in convergence era. In education, it is supported as the backbone to every happening. In the age of LL, IL is an important skill to move ahead across the globe, flooded with information in an unprecedented way. The information literate, has an ability to take informed decisions or solve their problems and know how to learn. IL is an enabler to touch all the dimensions of learning and it is the key to success of anyone’s life in the information society. This paper describes the relation between IL in support LL among society. Information skills are needed for creating information literate culture. IL is a continuously learning process from early age until older. Information Professionals (IP) are responsible to encourage community in implementation of IL. Because it can help the expansion of knowledge and creation of new knowledge, whether it is for educational or personal reasons.