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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Effectiveness of Using I-Think Maps in Teaching of Essays in General Studies Subject

Suppiah Nachiappan, Kalsum Binti Umar, Mohd Nazir Bin Md Zabit , Sangkari Chandra Sehgar

Open access

This study aims to identify the teaching methods used by the General Studies subject teachers to teach writing essays in schools. In addition, the method of using i-Think map by teachers to assist students in writing essays of General Studies subject and its effectiveness is also analyzed in this study. Qualitative approaches with the Hermeneutics method have been used in this study. A total of 14 respondents were involved in this study. Respondents were selected from among teachers who teach General Studies subject in Kinta Utara district, Perak. Then, five teachers from the number of respondents were chosen to interview. Instruments used in this study are questionnaires and interview questions. The data collected were analyzed using the Hermeneutical method. The results show that most teachers use the i-Think round maps to teach essay writing of General Studies subject, especially during content discussion is being conducted. The use of the i-Think round maps is also very effective in enhancing understanding and helping students to remember important contents. The implication of the study shows that the use of i-Think round maps can improve students' achievement on the essays writing of General Studies subject.

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In-Text Citation: (Nachiappan, Umar, Zabit, & Sehgar, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Nachiappan, S., Umar, K. B., Zabit, M. N. B. M., & Sehgar, S. C. (2019). The Effectiveness of Using I-Think Maps in Teaching of Essays in General Studies Subject. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 8(3), 50–57.