The IJ-ARBSS is an interdisciplinary open access blind peer-reviewed refereed journal published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (HRMARS) that publishes significant contributory researches in different fields of social sciences, business and education management. IJ-ARBSS publishes twelve issues per year. IJ-ARBSS publishes original research articles related to Business Management, Human Resource Management, Leadership, Marketing Management, Psychology, Sociology, Education Management, Teacher’s Training, Education Training, MIS (Management Information System), Business Law, Marketing theory and Marketing applications, Business Investment, Business Finance, Public Ethics, Operations Management, Business Research, Organizational Behavior, Business and Economics, Education, Case Studies, Statistics, Industrial Relations, Econometrics, Personnel Relations, Management & Public Policy.
By providing easy access to the insights of Social Sciences & Business Information, case studies, and researches, IJ-ARBSS aims to extend and supplement the knowledge of the scholarly world.
AUTHORS: Jelena Zivkovic, Apkar Salatian, Fatima Ademoh, Lawrence Oborkhale
PAGES: 48-57
AUTHORS: Michael Baghebo, Samuel Edoumiekumo
PAGES: 77-97
AUTHORS: Zaenab S. Abdul Majeed, Normah binti Othman
PAGES: 116-128
AUTHORS: Arefeh Jamshidi , S. N Sajjadi , Habib Honari
PAGES: 129-137
AUTHORS: Catherine Bachleda, Ahlam Fakhar, Laila z Hlimi
PAGES: 138-157
AUTHORS: Fatemeh Saghafi, Seyed Mohammad Reza Mirsarraf, Akbar Kary Dolat Abadi
PAGES: 158-165
AUTHORS: Nurul Hudani Md Nawi, Ma'rof Redzuan, Hanina Hamsan
PAGES: 166-175
AUTHORS: Boniface E.S. Mgonja , Charles Tundui
PAGES: 176-189
AUTHORS: Channa Mansoor Ahmed, Yossiri Yossatorn, Varavejbhisis Yossiri
PAGES: 190-197
AUTHORS: Arefeh Jamshidi , S. N Sajjadi , Mehrzad Hamidi
PAGES: 198-206
AUTHORS: Phyllis Forster, Christina Offei-Ansah
PAGES: 225-340